LIFULL Creators Blog

LIFULL Creators Blogとは、株式会社LIFULLの社員が記事を共有するブログです。自分の役立つ経験や知識を広めることで世界をもっとFULLにしていきます。

English edition

An Optimal Tool for Visual Testing, "Gazo-san" Is Now an OSS

Hi, I'm Jye Ruey. A SET(Software Engineer in Test) from LIFULL. We published an End-to-End testing framework "Bucky" at last time. In this time, an image difference detection tool "Gazo-san", which is for visual testing, is…

The Way to OSS: Test Automation Framework "Bucky"

Hi there, my name is Jye Ruey. I'm a Software Engineer in Test (SET) from LIFULL. This article is a translation of 自動システムテストツール「Bucky」OSS化までの道のり - LIFULL Creators Blog, which is written in Japanese by Rikiya Hikimochi.…